Biology course for
In-house illustration lead

Visual language for content illustrations for biology courses for the biggest online educational platform in Russia (over 16 mln daily users). 60 online lessons and a digital workbook with over 2000 unique illustrations, infographics, animations and icons. 

Illustration guide and colour system, team leadership.   

Key challenge was to work regularly on a large amount of illustrations – around 20 pieces on a weekly basis, keeping the visuals’ quality consistent.

Working with form design was my personal growth in this subject matter as I continuously examined natural beauty and balance, and how it can be simplified and elegantly designed without losing accurate representation of reality.

The work on the interactive courses, in close collaboration with learning designers and editors, lasted for over 2 years. 

The artwork produced was later expanded onto the digital wikipedia-like workbook on biology, covering the entire school programme on the subject.